Konoha library

Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library

-Waltar Savage

Book Cover
The King of Drugs

Nora Barrett

First Published on 2001

Book Cover
Red Planet

Robert A. Heinlein

First Published on 2006

Book Cover
The Gods Hate Midnight

Aabidah Hamdi

First Published on 2011

Book Cover
Beauty of Nature

Nae-Won Jeon

First Published on 2020

Library Hacks That will change your life

You don't have to step out in the middle of December's icy blizzard or July's heat waves. With a registered library card at your local library, you have various online digital media services at your disposal.

If it's the latest album, DVD, or Blue-ray you are looking for and don't want to shell out extra money or make the permanent commitment? Check out your local library for all of the newest material.

Most libraries offer classes and workshops where you can utilize information such as writing tips, resume help, and ways to own a home. There are thousands of classes you can take, which could be in person or online if you have access to platforms such as: Rosetta Stone is now available at some libraries for learning a new language. All you need is a library card to get started and you're ready to become a Spanish master! Lynda is a library learning database, that provides free college-level courses for free, all online. You can master just about anything on your own schedule. Gale is another way to learn online anytime and anyplace. In some subject areas, you can even become certified. With your library card and a few clicks, you can learn a new skill in no time.